Monday, April 16, 2012


                                                                                       BOX OF CRAYONS                

 Have you ever not liked someone because of what you have heard about them from other people? Have you ever felt that someone must be a bad person because they had tattoos or piercings?  Do you judge people by the clothes they wear?
There are so many reasons not to like someone….and believe me, here in the French Quarter of New Orleans, we could judge a lot of people by their outward appearance!

There are so many times in life that we have not gotten to know someone because of what other people have said about that person and because they lack what we deem as “acceptablebehavior.

How about stepping out of your comfort zone and giving that person a chance? You may find out that they are one of the nicest, most sincere, genuine people that you have ever met.

In this world that we live in, we are all different. We should all be like crayons. Some are pretty, some not as pretty, some are sharp, and some are dull. Some are bright, some aren’t. Some have weird names and some normal. They are all different colors, yet they have all learned to live together in the same box.  Why can’t we do the same?
Peace, Love and Blessings!
Gypsy V

1 comment:

  1. Love your comment i love all of Gods children.
