Monday, April 9, 2012


I am honored to post several letters that customers have sent about the dolls that they have received.
It is a privelege to create dolls that help others in some way....whether spiritually, emotionally or physically.
 My items are sold at Hex - 1219 Decatur St. in New Orleans, Hex - 246 Essex St. - Salem, Mass., and Island of Salvation Botanica at 2372 St. Claude - New Orleans, La.

Dear Gypsy V,
What an incredible blessing it was for me to receive one of your beautiful dolls! When I received it, I was at a time in my life when I felt a little lost, unfocused. It seemed as though nothing was going my way at all. I put the doll on a table next to some treasured photographs and objects that are very sentimental to me, where I could see it and feel the energy from it every day. It wasn't long before everything in my life began to turn around. I found a good job and a nice place to live, got caught up financially abest of all, found someone who cares for me in a way I had never thought possible -- someone who respects me for who I am and doesn't want to change me! I have always known that you were a gifted intuitive and emotional healer and being able to call you my friend is worth more than words can say. Thank you for sharing your magic with me!
Love you my Gypsy Sister,

To Whom It May Concern,
Over a year ago I purchased my very own doll from Gypsy V.  It has a place of prominence in my rocking chair in my bedroom.  I smile at her every day and am certain it  is responsible for helping me make my wishes come true! 
I also purchased two other Voodoo Dolls from Gypsy V.  One was for health protection and the other for the welfare of myself and those close to me and employment.  I had major surgery 2 years ago in February and as a result of the continuing testing, and the drugs I was given for them, I started experiencing a really serious problem with my kidneys and was swelling up horribly from it.  My kidney specialist had told me if they couldn't control this very soon that I could possibly be looking at total kidney failure and dialysis.  Gypsy V made the doll for me and I know a lot of prayers and concern go into each of these special dolls.  Within a matter of days of receiving it I suddenly started loosing the swelling and by the time I went back to the kidney specialist, just a few weeks later, everything was totally back to normal - all my tests - and the doctor said my readings were even better than normal and she had no explanation for why this had happened.  But I do! 
I have also invoked the other doll to help my loved ones with employment and they have all succeeded and even gotten positions that seemed to come out of nowhere and that were unexpected.   
Lucia Ward  (from Dallas, Texas)

 Gypsy V,
It was great meeting you while we were in New Orleans.  I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that the "girls"  (dolls), made it to their new home safely.  The care you put into making each one is obvious.  Seems that everytime I look at them I notice a new detail.  The dolls truly embody the spirit of New Orleans and each one has their own "personality". You can be sure that I'll be getting another one real soon.
Thanks again,
Sandy (from Maryland)

 Dear Gypsy V,
I visited New Orleans a few years back and came upon you selling these beautiful dolls.
Now laugh at me if you will, but as I passed one of the dolls I felt like she was speaking to me. Not in a scary way, but in a very important way. I had to turn around and went straight for the doll that was calling me.
As soon as I picked her up, I knew I had to have her. I am a grown woman with grown children. My doll will never grow up or leave me. She now lives with me in my Georgia home and when I need something I hold her and hug her and she helps me with my needs. She is a love that will always be with me and now will help to keep me strong. Just seeing her makes me smile. She is hand made and I feel the love that was put into making her. The love continues on through everyday.
Thank you Gypsy Vodou!
Pauline Herring  (from Georgia)

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