Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Do you think that there is healing power in listening to the suffering of others? If someone feels for some reason that they need to share their pain with you, it requires that you block out everything else around you and be totally present in the moment. It must have your undivided attention. There should be no distractions and you must pay close attention to whatever the sufferer finds necessary. They may or may not want your advise…..they may only need you to listen.
That has happened to me on so many different occasions. I may be in a store, walking down the street or be in a crowd and I have been approached by those just wanting me to listen to all of their problems. I don’t even have to start off with “How are you?” The person needing to talk will automatically start telling me everything without me asking.
An empathic listener is a caring, compassionate and powerfully healing friend. If you are an Empath, you may find yourself being emotionally drained but spiritually elevated by being the empathic listener. If you feel drained, do an immediate cleansing of your body by placing both palms on your heart center and allowing the energies to continually flow through your body until you feel energized. Afterwards, drink at least 8 ounces of spring water, followed by some kind of “groundingfood, such as nuts or anything that grows from the ground.
Don’t find yourself being the kind of listener that derives pleasure from hearing about the problems and suffering of others. That is a path towards doing away with whatever positive karma there would have been.
Peace and Blessings,

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